Weather Selva - Weather forecast for your holiday in Selva
The weather today, Saturday 21/12/2024
Sunny weather
Very sunny weather with generally clear skies.
Very sunny weather with generally clear skies. Maximum temperatures between 1° and 7°.
The weather tomorrow, Sunday 22/12/2024
Snow in the north, initially dry in the south
On Sunday, cloudiness will tend to increase with some snowfall in the north. In the south there will initially be no precipitation, but showers will be possible in the course of the afternoon. The sun will only appear in places.
On Sunday, cloudiness will tend to increase with some snowfall in the north. In the south there will initially be no precipitation, but showers will be possible in the course of the afternoon. The sun will only appear in places. Winter temperatures with highs between -2° and +3°.The weather of the coming days
Variable in the north, Föhn in the south
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Lardschneider Markus
Via Larciunei, 31 - 39048 Selva (BZ)
Tel. (0039) 0471 79 54 56